How can I help my baby get a good latch while learning to breastfeed?

Getting your baby to \”latch\” on properly takes some practice and can be a source of frustration for you and your baby. One approach to learning to breastfeeding is a more relaxed, baby-led latch. Sometimes called biological nurturing, laid-back breastfeeding, or baby-led breastfeeding, this style of breastfeeding allows your baby to lead and follow his or her instincts to suck.

The steps below can help your newborn latch on to the breast to start sucking when he or he is ready. Letting your baby begin the process of searching for the breast may take some of the pressure off of you and keeps the baby calm and relaxed.

Keep in mind that there is no one way to start breastfeeding. As long as the baby is latched on well, how you get there is up to you.

  • Create a calm environment first. Recline on pillows or other comfortable area. Make sure you are relaxed and calm.
  • Hold your baby skin-to-skin. Hold your baby, wearing only a diaper, against your bare chest. Hold the baby upright between your breasts and just enjoy your baby for a while with no thoughts of breastfeeding.
  • Let your baby lead. If your baby is not hungry, he will stay curled up against your chest. If your baby is hungry, he will bob his head against you, try to make eye contact, and squirm around.
  • Support your baby, but don\’t force the latch. Support his head and shoulders as he searches for your breast. Avoid the temptation to help him latch on.
  • Allow your breast to hang naturally. When your baby\’s chin hits your breast, the firm pressure makes her open her mouth wide and reach up and over the nipple. As she presses her chin into the breast and opens her mouth, she should get a deep latch. Keep in mind that your baby can breathe at the breast. The nostrils flare to allow air in.

If you have tried the \”baby-led\” approach and your baby is still having problems latching on, try these tips:

  1. Tickle the baby\’s lips with your nipple to encourage him or her to open wide.
  2. Pull your baby close so that the baby\’s chin and lower jaw moves in to your breast.
  3. Watch the lower lip and aim it as far from the base of the nipple as possible so that the baby takes a large mouthful of breast.

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You can get more information on Breastfeeding and related subjects on Women’s